orange bowtie

Hello there,

My name is Antwan A.K.A Mr. Openyonated. I am a 37 year old Chicago native residing on the West Side of the city.  I am a photographer, entrepreneur,  and life coach.   This blog is my second attempt to enter the blogging world. People say that I’m outspoken and I give good advice so I thought what better way to channel that energy than to blog.  You may be asking yourself why I chose a different spelling of opinion, the answer is because I thought if I spelled it this way it this way it would communicate that I was not afraid to talk about topics that can tend to be off limits to some people. I believe in opening pandoras box and being completely transparent and I believe that everyone should have their say. The other portion of my blog is given to highlight local entertainers in the Chicagoland area. I attend poetry events and local music events and share what people are doing. I enjoy sharing what local and underground people are doing because everyone is so caught up with mainstream artists that some gems don’t get any shine.