
In the past my idea of a great Friday night was a DVD, turning my phone off  and relaxing.  I still enjoy those things however a change of pace is always a good thing to break up the monotony. What better to break up the norm than an evening of “Grown Folks” conversation and that’s where MS. MOCHA comes in. We all have that one Facebook friend whose timeline is always popping and bringing up things that people necessarily don’t want to talk about because the subject may be considered too taboo I think that’s what her and I have in common. She is a Jack of all trades and always has project in the works which is why I had no problem in attending her event. No subject was off limits! We talked about love, race, hair,sex, you name it and it was mentioned. There was a great selection of people there from all backgrounds. The conversation and the dynamic personalities sucked you in and wouldn’t let you go. Some things did get heated but never completely boiled out of control. It was a great space in a nice location. Mocha was a wonderful host and gave us the type of event that should be happening all over the city. We need more spaces where we can chill, enjoy each other and just talk. We live in world that is constantly growing further apart due to social networking and technological advances but,  MOCHA’S events seem to be one of those that will bring people back together. If you ever have a chance to attend one of her events make sure that you do so!  To keep up with MOCHA and all of her ventures  make sure you add her on Facebook Facebook.