perfume-clipart-black-and-white-5Do you have a favorite cologne or perfume? We all have our favorite scents that we like to wear, that get everyone’s attention. Typically we reserve our favorite scents for special occasions and if someone asks to use it we politely offer then another one. However, if we love that person dearly or simply want to share our good perfume with them an exception will be made. The tradition of foot washing is an old one.  Foot washing was  a sign of good hospitality and typically was used when people would visit someone’s home and wearing sandals.  Hosts would offer the guest water to wash their feet, offer a servant to wash their feet or simply wash their feet themselves.  Washing feet can be a humbling experience for both parties involved.  Symbolically it puts the hosts in a servants position.  Of course after washing someone’s feet you want to apply some type of oil or fragrance but what kind? Do you use the good stuff or do you use the lower quality?  The answer to that  question all depends on the person. Often times we use all of our good perfume on the wrong feet! Now I’m not suggesting that we get into the business of ranking people but people do play different roles in our lives. Do you have that person who comes to be a guest in your space regularly and you are always washing their feet and then anointing their feet with your good oil? Have you ever asked them to go on a journey with you? Have you ever asked them to be a listening ear? Do they surprisingly say no each time you ask them to walk with you yet you continue using your good perfume on their feet? We should not get in the business of giving to get but we do need to start paying attention to who does not mind serving us and helping us as well.  There comes a time where you may need to reserve your good oil for someone who does not mind going on a walk with you. We don’t have to change who we are but we shouldn’t give everyone the same type of access to the good stuff that we have to offer.

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