
We live in a world of busy people, countless numbers of people are multi- tasking everyday in an effort to get ahead. I personally am always on the go, running here, there and everywhere. We can become so busy simply doing something that the something that we are busy doing is not always getting us to the next level. For example, I attend a lot of local events gathering information to blog about, getting the word out about cool people and things but I had to ask myself “does being everywhere really do anything for my company?” Does my activity equal to productivity, are my numbers growing? Is my brand more recognizable ? Taking a good look at your activity and the results it gives is crucial to success. We often mistake being busy as growth but sometimes it’s just being busy. I encourage others to take a look at what they are doing and if it is actually giving the desired results.  That’s my 2 cents on the matter.  Follow us on all social media at @MrOpenyonated and like our Facebook page.