
Everyone has that one female friend that has endured heart break or what I like to call it a “misunderstanding” and they that took a turn for the worse emotionally. This often happens in the dating arena when things aren’t talked about up front and the parties rush into something physical and they don’t feel the same about each other.  You know how it goes two people meet and seem to hit it off they go on a couple of dates and end up in the sack. This is often times followed by the non answering of the phone, text messages and can even turn into being unfriended on social media. Typically in these situations it’s the female who is on the end of being clueless about what has happened. This sounds like a classic case of being good enough for bedding but not for a wedding. *Newsflash* Men and women are different, I don’t know how many times I have to remind good friends of this. They grow differently, they mature differently, they handle situations differently they just are different. A lot of times men see sex as just sex and women see it as offering something special to a man who she may want to get to know on a deeper level.  The problem comes into the play when you jump into something like sex and you are not on the same page.  Most men are raised to sow their wild oats until they are ready to settle down. Most women are raised to meet Prince Charming and have a giant wedding and live happily ever after and it rarely ends up like that.  As harsh as it may seem sometimes you are just viewed as another notch on someones belt.  If you cannot handle that it’s best to refrain from jumping into sexual activity with a person. Now all men aren’t like this and there are some women who are just looking for a fling which is why it’s important to be up front sooner rather than later. This doesn’t mean that you discuss marriage on the first date but it does mean you should refrain from getting hot and heavy initially. I can’t count the amount of good man and good woman memes that I read on social media. A lot of situations could be avoided with an honest conversation. If you happen to be on the other end do the person a favor and give them the opportunity to decide if they want to jump in those waters with you.   That’s my 2 cents on the matter and keep those lines of communication open! Follow us on all social media at @Mropenyonated and like our Facebook page!