
As we walk through life we collect things. Sometimes our acts of collecting are intentional and at other times we have no idea of what we are picking up. When objects sit around for too long they collect dust.  If a sponge is in the midst of water it collects the water. We are always collecting. We collect good and bad things. Have you ever noticed after being around certain people for a long amount of time that you start picking up their habits? You must then ask yourself “are these habits that I want collect?” When you feel that you have collected too many negative things it’s time to purify.  Purifying could be listening to something motivational, reading the word of God, or burning sage.  There are a multitude of ways in which you can purify.  You could be experiencing health problems because you have put too much unhealthy food into your body, it may be time to purify.  You could be changing for the worse because of the people you are around, it may be time to limit your time around them or totally cut them off.  Whatever the case purifying on a regular basis can be healthy.  When is the last time that you purified yourself?