
We’ve all heard someone say it more than once, ” I don’t talk about politics” as if they have exalted themselves above the masses and sit on the throne of being enlightenment. *News Flash* There are politics in everything! The educational system involves politics, religion involves politics, just about everything you do has some form of politics in it.  Removing yourself from the equation will only ensure that you are left out of the scenario when the spoils are being divided up.  You may not ever get gun ho and go door to door getting the word out for your favorite candidate but you at least need to be informed.  Take a look at the world around you, start with where you are locally.  Does it seem like your local legislators are doing all that they can or does it seem like they have just been looking out for themselves and their friends?  Most of the time the same ineffective  people sit in office for years because “people are not into politics.”  Sitting on the sidelines will ensure that business as usual will occur and most of the time that business does not have the average citizen in mind.  That’s our 2 cents on the matter.  Follow us on all social media at @Mropenyonated