Changes Crossroad Sign

Changes Crossroad Sign

We’ve all been guilty of making new years resolutions and there are plenty of people who have seen the memes on Facebook poking fun at us. While there is nothing wrong with making resolutions following through on them is a different story. We all start with good intentions but somewhere down the line some of us get sidetracked and some totally derailed. Sometimes you have to ask yourself  “Do I really want change?”  If you are open and honest and put it side by side with what you are willing to do for it the answer is no. Are you willing to put in the late hours? Are you willing to go to places you don’t want to go? Are you willing to come out of your comfort zone? Do you really want change? Once you answer that question honestly then you can put things in place to make the change happen! That’s our 2 cents today.  Follow us on all social media @Mropenyonated and like our Facebook page. We will follow back!