
Whenever you mention accountability in any environment its like cussing out loud!  It’s often abused and misused whenever it is being implemented and for that reason many people do not like it. Being accountable means that you are responsible or liable, according to Webster’s Dictionary.  Responsibility is also another one of those words that no one likes to talk about and no one likes to embrace. Stories of avoiding accountability and being responsible date back to Adam and Even in the garden of Eden. When they disobeyed God each person was looking for someone to blame. No one wanted to take accountability for their actions. Why is accountability so important? Accountability holds us to our words, it takes away the likelihood that we will just throw things out that we really don’t plan to do. We all will be held accountable to someone throughout our lives. When we are not accountable to anyone we operate aimlessly and get comfortable. When we get too comfortable we do not meet our targets. If you are really serious about hitting your goals find someone or a few people who will hold you accountable for what you say you want to do. This person or people will  call you to the mat for what you say and hold you to it. Who in your life holds you accountable?

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