
Does anyone remember the term latch key child? If you have forgotten the term the Urban dictionary has provided a definition: A minor, left at home unsupervised while the parents are out or away; also called latchkey. Well many parents have taken the term to a different level in 2016. I have never seen so many children who are on their own in so many ways.  Many parents are emotionally unavailable to their children. They are consumed with their spouses or partners, their friends, their jobs and their social lives. When parents are so consumed with their lives their children are starved emotionally and often look for love in other places  sometimes dangerous places. Many children prepare their own dinner on a daily basis or even worse have their major meals provided at school or community organizations. This is the case in many instances where the home may receive food subsides in the form of food stamps. Last time I checked a lot of government assistance is provided because the adult has children to take care of.  So many of our youth have been put into adult situations by the adults that are suppose to be making decisions for them. To make the problem even he structure of the extended family is not what it used to be so children are truly on their own. So many people often say the children these days are terrible but can some of them help it if they have been raised by terrible parents? Children are not little adults!  So what’s your opinion on this hand off parenting?  Follow us on all social media at @MrOpenyonated and like our Facebook page!