Membership has its privileges.
A thread that I read about earlier inspired today’s post. In the world of dating there are rules; what you should do on a first date, how much is too much to spend, who picks up the bill, literally tons of them. I believe however there are some things that are simply a no no! Dating is typically a step in the direction of courting and courting marriage and along the way there are just certain things that should not be done. An example of a rule that is broken time and time again is the whole sleeping with a person on the first date controversy. Is it a wise thing? Some say yes its 2011 and its perfectly fine; others say absolutely not if you give away something that is supposedly precious to you that quick there is no way you will be respected. Another example that I want to give is expecting money from a person or them footing the bill for major purchases or expenses. I am rather old fashioned and think that these are things you should expect from people in a covenant relationship while others think its perfectly okay to expect someone you are not joined with to make it rain dollars on you? What’s your opinion? Does membership have its privileges or should everything be open whether you are dating, courting or married?
Out of Control Children what happened?
There seems to be a new trend where parents are not able to do anything with their children what happened?
There is nothing new under the sun I believe that children have not changed so much but I believe that parenting styles have. What’s your opinion?
What is your plan B?
CNN Contributor wrote an article that pretty much stated that Social Security as we know it will not be around in the years to come. YES that means the money they are taking out of your check to give to retirees possibly won’t be around when you get to retirement age. If social security isn’t going to be around when you retirement what is your Plan B? I think depending on the government to do anything but lie is too much dependence. Sure many have benefited from programs like food stamps, welfare, medicare, disability but can’t the government just pull the rug from you at anytime and cry broke AND get away with it. I think that the American people need to get back to entrepreneurship and start depending on themselves and of course GOD. So what are you going to do seeing as though the well is going dry? Will you sit idle and wait for things to go bust or will you get to work storing up your own nest egg?
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How do you get past the baggage that students bring to the classroom to teach them?
In life we all accumulate baggage. We collect baggage from our life experiences. We collect items in every relationship that we are in. Sometimes we collect good things and at other times we collect bad things. Being able to be productive in spite of the baggage that we have is not an easy task as adults and for a child it is 10x’s harder. The question that I place before us all today is on behalf of those who are on the front lines teaching. What things can an educator do to get past the baggage that many children are bringing into the classroom to educate the nations children?
Should you be harder on female children in comparison to males?
A parent made the comment that you have to be harder on girls than you do on the boys ;What’s your opinion? Does being less demanding with male children ruin them? If you take a look at certain communities you see that the female in most cases is the parent who has custodial rights and often times the father is not involved could it be that its the effect of more responsibility being placed on the female child. In addition in many families the matriarch is more dominant than the patriarch what roles does being more lenient on boys play in their success?
The problem with fear
Fear, Doom and Gloom; we are constantly bombarded with images and messages of fear. The news typically contains messages about who was killed, swindled and done wrong. Statistics, unemployment updates etc are used to keep people on the edge of their seats. In my opinion this is not healthy at all. Fear should not be the motivator that is used to get people to move it may seem effective at the moment but it can spark off other dangerous emotions. The King James Bible in II Timothy 1 :7 states ” For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind. Fear has no place in the heart of God’s man or woman. The problem with fear is that once it takes control its like an overflowing faucet it continues to run until it floods you. If you are currently letting fear run your decision making turn the faucet off, grab a wet vac and go to work! What’s your opinion on fear? Follow us on all social media at @MrOpenyonated