Vision and Passion

We are always in times of transition, we transition from newborns to toddlers, from toddlers to adolescents  from aldolenscents to teens , teens to adults.  We are always evolving and changing.  There are many people going through transitions  during this time of the year.  Some people are transitioning from elementary school to high school, some from college to the work force, others from being single to being married or vice versa. One of the most important questions to ask ourselves as when going through transitions in our lives is  what is the next step in living out your vision? Some important questions to ask yourself are: What is my next step? Where do I see myself going? Some people have a clear path of where they are going in life while others simply have no clue.  Today is the day to create a vision for your life. It’s time to start putting a plan together for your success. Why do we need a vision?  If we fail to make a  plan we truly are planning to fail! No king or queen has won a battle or conquered an adversary without a plan of action.  Proverbs 29:18 states “for lack of vision my people perish”.  If you don’t know where you are going you are bound to get side tracked while you wander aimlessly with no clear direction.

There is an additional component that you need that goes side by side with vision and it is PASSION.  Passion is described as any powerful or compelling emotion.  Passion simply put is how strongly do you feel about something.  How strongly do you feel about your future? How strongly do you feel about the steps that you are taking to attain your goals?  If you are not excited about where you are going the journey may lack excitement and it could possibly take you longer to arrive at your destination.  It is critical that we are passionate about our relationships with God, our families, both biological and physical and those who we call friends.  As you go through life ask yourself “what really gets me excited?” “What would I do for free?” Those are the things that you need to focus on.  What would you do with very little motivation? Passion is crucial to get you to the next level of life!!

Coach Antwan