Leaving You to findme

Hip Hop has become one of the most powerful mediums in popular culture. It is an ever evolving genre that changes as new artists continue to put their individual spin on it.  Those from the “old school” typically say that the new music is garbage and those from the new school say that the “old heads” don’t get to say what “real hip hop is. Personally I tend to like music that is timeless and you can enjoy at any moment. I think that International Maverick is one of the those artists that creates music that can stand the test of time.  His projects never come off as following a trend or a fad. He seems to have an ear for music as evidenced by his use of sampling. The content is thoughtful, relevant, relatable and does not appear to be something that is thrown together just to make heads bob. It’s kind of like grown folks hip hop without being considered “square” I like the way he rides the beats on his music. His voice sticks out in a good way, kind of reminds me of AZ. At Openyonated.com we are always excited to view his new visuals and listen to his new music because we know that it’s going to be a quality project!  To keep up with International Maverick subscribe to his You Tube channel  https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMav81  Follow him on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/internationalmaverick/

Take a look at his latest visual!