Have you ever tried to squeeze into an article of clothing that you know was too small but you thought you would try anyway?  Have you ever worn shoes that were too small because you they made your feet look cute but they ended up giving you blisters?  That same thing happens everyday when we try to keep things in our lives that just don’t fit. Sometimes we have friends that simply are no good for us but we remain in their company and as a result get hurt and the same thing goes for relationships. When we are willing to go through pain and suffering for something that is not healthy that hinges on insanity. One must begin to ask themselves what am I getting out of this? Why is it that I stay in this relationship even though it hurts? Why do I hang around in that place that I always get in trouble at?  The hard questions deserve real answers. If it doesn’t fit and it’s bringing you pain it’s definitely time to give it up.