15400962_10154983520507214_923857427104404548_nWhen you meet Black Heaven she automatically stands out. Her look, her stature, and the way she carries herself automatically commands your attention. I was first introduced to her on the poetry scene as I attend quite a few open mic sets in Chicago.  You would think that someone as striking as her would always be in the spotlight however,  like many talented people she is quite comfortable behind the scenes.  She is part of the Solace Souls Coalition, a collaborative entertainment group in Chicago which consists of poets, singers, motivators, and dancers. I was able to chat a little with Black Heaven to talk about why she named her project “I AM.” I of course had my own ideas of why it is titled as such and I wasn’t that far off.  She shared that many people have their own picture of who she is and that this was an opportunity to communicate who she really is.  This is Black Heaven stepping out from the background onto the main stage where she belongs.  What’s great about her is that she can play supporting cast as well the main act. Many people aren’t content with playing a supportive roles but she has no problem playing team. She has a gentle nature and a powerhouse voice. The EP starts off with a woman in reflection, second guessing why she opened up and tried love again then marches confidently and  boldly declaring that “I AM BlACK HEAVEN! I am enjoying Black Heaven’s emergence into center stage and can’t wait to hear more from her! Make sure you grab a copy of her new project!




You can find her on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/truniekia.franklin?fref=ts