As the Summer comes to an end community festivals are in full swing! On Saturday August 13th had the opportunity to visit the Austin Community Fest for the first time. First Impression are definitely lasting! Upon entering the fest I received a warm welcome from greeters, making people feel welcome is the first step in success. If I walk into a business and I am not greeting within the first few minutes I leave immediately it signals that they are not focused enough on greeting their customers/visitors. It was a very lively event with food, entertainment, health resources, various community organizations and partners. They even had horse rides and a petting zoo. The event was definitely spirit filled and the participants seemed to be having a good time. Of course there were no major news entities on the scene to capture the event which is why we try to make it our business to report on the wonderful things in communities that do not get much press.  If you know of any businesses or local acts that you think should be featured be sure to hit us up and let us know. We can be found on all social media at @MrOpenyonated