
There is a saying that goes “Teamwork Makes the Dream work.” When the wrong mixture of people are together the dream can become a full blown nightmare.  While we don’t want to be surrounded by a team of yes people we also don’t want a team of people who are constantly at odd with each other.  It’s important that team members be in sync with each other so that they can achieve their goals.  When everyone on the team has a different focus and agenda it can easily turn out to be a disaster.  One of the most important components of a successful team is making sure that the line of communication are open.  The lack of communication is often the root cause of problems on teams.  In addition even though teams exist it’s equally important that individual needs are met, everyone must be getting something out of the effort. Whenever there is a superstar and everyone is not shining there is always an opportunity for jealously to step in.  Teams can be wonderful as long as everyone is playing their part.  Whenever the weight of the load is not evenly distributed among team members problems arise and members may feel like they are doing more than the other and not being compensated based on what they are putting in. Many of us have had the opportunity to work in team settings whether it was for a school assignment, or some other kind of effort. What are some of the things that made your experience good or bad?  Share some of your experiences with us. Follow us on all social media at @MrOpenyonated and like our Facebook page!